The Ancients-Ancient Civilizations

The term “civilization” carries various definitions, leading to diverse perceptions among people. The world’s oldest Homo sapien bones, discovered in Morocco, Africa (subject to potential changes in the future), date back approximately 300,000 years. This vast timeline underscores the considerable history between the emergence of Homo sapiens and the inception of the first civilization.

Considering cities like Eridu in ancient Mesopotamia, constructed around 5400 B.C. before the Sumerian civilization, often regarded as the founders of the first civilization, it prompts an intriguing question. If Eridu predates what is conventionally recognized as the initial civilization, one wonders about the multitude of cities, both large and small, constructed between 300,000 years ago and around 3000 B.C.

Oh yeah, let me add that I am very aware of the different human-like species such as the Homo-Erectus and even the Australopithecus species. However, I like to emphasize homo-sapiens because, for some reason, science does, so I’ll use their example as a reference.

So with that, what are some known definitions of the word “Civilization?”

Whenever I want to find out when a certain group of people came to be in the location they chose to reside in, I google the Haplogroup. But, of course, there is a margin of error.

List of ancient civilizations

Page 2: Ancient Mesopotamia-The Sumerians

Page 3: Ancient Egypt-The Egyptians

Page 4: Ancient Mesopotamia-The Akkadians

Page 5: Ancient Mesopotamia-The Assyrian People

Page 6: Kingdom of Kush-The Kushites

Page 7: Ancient Mesoamerica-The Olmecs

Page 8: Ancient Greece-The Greeks

Page 9: Andean civilizations- The Ancient Andes

Page 10: The Aztec Empire-The Aztecs

Page 11: Maya Civilization-The Mayan Culture

Page 12: Indus Valley Civilization