Charles Robert Darwin introduced the theory of natural selection as a fundamental mechanism within the broader framework of evolution. Although he acknowledged its importance in human evolution, he did not isolate it as the sole driving force behind human development. Darwin’s theory of natural selection was intended to be a universal principle applicable to all species, including humans. This perspective suggested that humans, like other species, shared common ancestors and were governed by the principles of natural selection.
Ardipithecus ramidus, affectionately known as ‘Ardi,’ occupies a crucial role in the study of human evolution. This ancient hominin, which lived around 4.4 million years ago, stands as one of the earliest known ancestors within the group of species encompassing modern humans and our closest relatives. The discovery of Ardi has yielded invaluable insights into the early stages of human evolution and the remarkable transition from ape-like predecessors to bipedal hominins.
Australopithecus afarensis, famously exemplified by the fossil ‘Lucy,’ plays a pivotal role in the story of human evolution. Unearthed by Donald Johanson and Tom Gray on November 24, 1974, in Hadar, Ethiopia, Lucy stood at about 3.5 feet in height and weighed approximately 65 pounds. She is estimated to have lived around 3.2 million years ago, a time of significant hominin evolution.
Another notable species, Homo habilis, thrived from roughly 2.3 million to 1.4 million years ago, earning the moniker ‘handyman’ for being the first in human evolution to employ stone tools. It wasn’t until approximately 300,000 years ago that Homo sapiens, our own species, emerged on Earth.

The origins of modern-day humans have been the subject of various theories, some rooted in traditional oral narratives and others grounded in scientific evidence. In certain instances, a fusion of traditional stories finds support in scientific discoveries. However, it’s essential to emphasize that there exists no definitive, absolute confirmation regarding the precise origin of modern humans.
Religious Views
Genesis 1:26(KJV) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 2:7(KJV) And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
Surah Sad 38:71-72 (Remember the event) when your Lord said to the angels: “Indeed I want to create man -Adam from the earth; Then when I complete its creation, and blow into it the spirit of my (creation), then you should prostrate to it.”
I couldn’t help but notice the striking similarities between these two religious texts. When I read Surah Sad 38: 71-72, my curiosity was piqued, leading me to delve deeper into the subject. The Sumerians, credited as the originators of the first writing system, possessed a creation narrative. This narrative recounted the story of the Igigi, the lesser Anuna gods, who experienced feelings of regret and dissatisfaction due to the strenuous tasks they had to carry out on Earth. According to their beliefs, humans were brought into existence to alleviate the burdensome labor of these lesser deities. Below, thanks to Oxford University, you can explore the contents of the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and gain insights into how man and woman were created.
Ancient Mesopotamian text (
At that time, the one of great wisdom, the creator of all the senior gods, Enki lay on his bed, not waking up from his sleep, in the deep engur, in the subterranean water, the place the inside of which no other god knows. The gods said, weeping: “He is the cause of the lamenting!” Namma, the primeval mother who gave birth to the senior gods, took the tears of the gods to the one who lay sleeping, to the one who did not wake up from his bed, to her son: “Are you really lying there asleep, and …… not awake? The gods, your creatures, are smashing their ……. My son, wake up from your bed! Please apply the skill deriving from your wisdom and create a substitute (?) for the gods so that they can be freed from their toil
At the word of his mother Namma, Enki rose up from his bed. In Ḫal-an-kug, his room for pondering, he slapped his thigh in annoyance. The wise and intelligent one, the prudent, …… of skills, the fashioner of the design of everything brought to life birth-goddesses (?). Enki reached out his arm over them and turned his attention to them. And after Enki, the fashioner of designs by himself, had pondered the matter, he said to his mother Namma: “My mother, the creature you planned will really come into existence. Impose on him the work of carrying baskets. You should knead clay from the top of the abzu; the birth-goddesses (?) will nip off the clay and you shall bring the form into existence. Let Ninmaḫ act as your assistant; and let Ninimma, Šu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, …… and Ninguna stand by as you give birth. My mother, after you have decreed his fate, let Ninmaḫ impose on him the work of carrying baskets.” (5 lines fragmentary)…… she placed it on grass and purified the birth.
Enki devised a shape with head, …… and mouth in its middle, and said to Ninmaḫ: “Pour ejaculated semen into a woman’s womb, and the woman will give birth to the semen of her womb.” Ninmaḫ stood by for the newborn ……. and the woman brought forth …… in the midst ……. In return (?), this was Umul: its head was afflicted, its place of …… was afflicted, its eyes were afflicted, its neck was afflicted. It could hardly breathe, its ribs were shaky, its lungs were afflicted, its heart was afflicted, its bowels were afflicted. With its hand and its lolling head it could not not put bread into its mouth; its spine and head were dislocated. The weak hips and the shaky feet could not carry (?) it on the field — Enki fashioned it in this way.
Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Ebeling, J., Flückiger-Hawker, E., Robson, E., Taylor, J., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (, Oxford 1998–2006.
This was a very good read, very interested in reading it much further to get a better understanding of our beliefs
It was already familiar to me.
It means that creation is a continuity. From the one-cellar- ones in the water to the most complex creatures in sky and on land. Then the ultimate…humans.
And humans learned to speak.
When one tribe met another tribe…people exchanged stories.
And in their holy books they repeated the old stories. (The repeated the same old ideas about creation, but every culture added and changed things from the earlier book.)
How come?
It’s because people all over the world are the SAME species.
The imitate one another.
I am not aware of this scripture but it seems to align with the Gnostic creation story that there were other Gods who were responsible for creating as the first three words of the Torah says: Bereshit bara elohim ( forgive me if I’ve butchered the spelling) literally translates as: In wisdom the gods (feminine) create
Thank you for sharing this
It’s simpler than the nonsense you publish.
Very interesting read. I always believed that there were more to learn than what were actually being said. And why many things or certain knowledge were kept hidden or not told.
Thanks. Very interesting. I love the reading!!! 😎🙏
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. We are all on our own spritual path. And what might be right for Me because I am ready, might not be right for you at this time. And visa versa.. I think we are all being lead where we need to be lead based on our beliefs. And yes, I think man has removed many, many text out of wanting to control the knowledge that it held all in the name of power and control over others. I am always seeking truth from within.
I agree,I love learning the difference in scripture and beliefs. I love not judging ones beliefs or saying this is the only facts because we can take knowledge out of all of it,i truly believe that’s the best we can do,can do, to be the best we can and what spiritualy guuds us individually.
I’m so grateful that you all came here to read this.
Its an honor to have people who are interested and wanting to learn more.
Taking everything I’ve learned and sharing it for the world is all I want to do.
Thank you again for taking the time to read my post.
I really enjoyed your article I have read most of Z sitchen’s books, and many other type authors and the bible. I believe where your article left off is when enki continues to work on and perfect humans to meet their needs.
This was very interesting.
Everything you said us everything that I have learned to believe myself. It’s interesting how over time information is taken away but if we look close enough we can read betwern the lines and figure it out for ourselves. I enjoyed reading this, it was a great reassurance that I’m not the only one who thinks
Everything you said is everything that I have learned to believe myself. It’s interesting how over time information is taken away but if we look close enough we can read between the lines and figure it out for ourselves. I enjoyed reading this, it was a great reassurance that I’m not the only one who thinks
Thank you for taking the time to read the article. Whenever I sit down and read books, I’m amazed at how the information was not taught in school. Ancient civilizations have some great history and stories that should be told to the mass.
The complexity of having a fetus inside a woman’s womb its gradual development until the baby is born (we all undergone this process, just to remind you) , can only lead to a belief that this process is somewhat miraculous. And when all the organs inside our body begin to function until it slow down and stop working and this body dies ….. And when we all able to see the vastnest of the universe … many scientists believe that there must be a creator. No matter what books are available i believe that God exist and the Holy Bible tell us all these. God bless us all.
There is no doubt in my mind that we came from something.
I’m 80 years old and finally I am reading the closest version of truth revealed . Thank you .
It’s definitely a journey that is amazing to travel. It’s amazing how much information is out there that was taught in school.
I am wondering why human being created and they have control over to give birth, but no power to stop the death. What is hidden behind the theory of human evolution?. However your writing is fascinating.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. All these mysteries that we are left with to figure out. But that journey sure is amazing.
I’m not sure what you are concluding about the Sumerian creation story… It all seems clear to me, the evidence is right there in their own words. But is your conclusion that the Anunnaki were divine?
That the Anunnaki could be the creators of humanity.
The same as God/Allah is the creator of humanity.
And if the Anunnaki are the creators of humanity as described in the Sumerian text, why is it so hard for religious people to believe in multiple gods.
With the Sumerians having the first writing style, then the first written accounts about gods go to them.
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Gods or Pirates
First, it has to be recognised that the Annunaki pirates were not seen as “gods” until after the universal flood 13,000 years ago.
To me these people continued to be pirates even if some misguided ancient people were wrong in mistaking a technically and scientifically advanced group of people for their gods.
Sitchin, author of the books of The Earth Chronicles and many companion volumes could see that Genesis is a corruption of what he was finding; only with fictional characters inserted at particular points in the biblical histories. The bible must never be considered as a historical resource, especially the Mosaic books; they are a false construct, having stolen its ideas from pre-existing histories
The real histories were known by almost everyone in Mesopotamia through oral transmission of history generation to generation. In later days, in Babylon, the history was re-enacted over a seven day period at the start of each year (there equivalent of April 1st) on behalf of the then so called god, Marduk. That is where the bibles’ spurious seven days of creation originate.
This almost genuine history gave some very crafty people an opportunity to create a false written history for themselves. None of the inserted characters are mentioned anywhere in the original texts, which was and still is the best evidence for Genesis being tall tale.
For example; the destruction of four of the five cities on the Jordon Plain was an attempt by two pirates to destroy a rebel leader and his son because the killers believed they were hiding in one of those cities. The conversation attributed to a fictional biblical character asking about the morality of killing so many people just to get at a couple of naughty people actually took place between the two pirates.
One of those pirates was the brother of this rebel leader; the real target, this brother had married a daughter of the then pirate leader and through that association began to really hate the rebel leader so the attempt at assassinating them was very personal to him.
Their record, as passed to their slaves, shows that four cities were bombed to destruction and another bomb was aimed at the southern edge of the “Salt Sea” which caused to water to flood out across to Jordan Plain; drowning forever the four destroyed cities. As it happens, the rebel leader and his son were elsewhere when the attack took place, probably Haran where they had been living for the last twenty four years steadily building a support base.
The name Salt Sea was changed after that event to “Dead Sea” because all life died, as far as I am aware, no life has managed to repopulate this body of water.
However, there was an even more serious affect to this bombing that no one had anticipated. The bombs used in this attack had been brought from the Annunaki home planet, AN, when the pirates decided to set up an administration to establish control over this planet and to make their plundering activities more effective.
These bombs were originally created to blast areas of their own planet to try to increase the amount of material in the atmosphere to help retain the planet’s heat while in its apogee and protect them from the Sun when it was at its perigee. However, this was not really good enough to eliminate the dangers; they needed to find another way to do this. They tried putting several different materials into or above the atmosphere to create the effect they needed to allow them to continue to live on that planet.
The bombs were stored in a secret place in Africa, a place known only to the ENLIL and ENKI and made known to the bombers after the attacks had been authorised by ANU, the king of the pirates. Part of that authorisation was that no slaves were to be killed and only the rebel leader and his son should die. That of course didn’t happen, the rebel leader and his son survived and many thousands of slaves and a few pirates died.
This outrage happened in 2024BC and the pollution cloud created by the bombs moved with the prevailing wind across a major part of southern Mesopotamia that was controlled by the then Pirate Administration. As this nuclear dust cloud, no one has ever called the bombs nuclear weapons, but it soon becomes obvious that they were nuclear; drifted and spread it killed every living thing it touched. Most of the area became a barren wasteland, causing the sudden end of Sumer, killed off by accident, not by any other possible cause such as an invasion of enemies from elsewhere.
Pirates and their slaves perished along with wild and domesticated animals. This disaster was seen by the Pirate Leadership as the sign they had come to the end of their reign despite their claim that, according to the Sun not yet rising in Aries on the Summer Solstice when the actual hand over was not yet due to happen.
They sealed the end of their rule by inviting the rebel leader to take over control of the Pirate Administration and become the new ENLIL. That happened even before the pollution cloud had finished cutting its destructive swathe across their land. The given name of this new ENLIL was Marduk, the eldest son of Nudimmud, whose epithet was ENKI in Sumer and EA in Akkadian.
Because the Sun rising in Aries on the Summer Solstice was when the handover of power was due to happen and was of worldwide importance, Solar Observation Structures (SOS), were built around the world many years before the change was due and through which the pirates and their slaves would know when the change of leadership would take place. These structures were designed to observe the Sun rising in Aries, marking the change in the pirate leadership. That is the reason why there are so many such observatories around the world, including Stone Henge, that and no other reason.
As soon as the change-over happened those structures were no longer maintained by the pirates and most fell into disuse, some of them taking on other roles which had nothing to do with the original reason for their construction. The style of these SOS’s was down to the local pirate chieftain; as long as it would provide the answer to the problem of “when”; that was all that mattered.
The rebel leader became the new Pirate Leader on this planet and across the solar system, including Mars. He based his Administration in Babylon, a very short distance north of the edge of the pollution cloud. As I said, it was seen as the sign that the change was due; the old ENLIL’s area in Sumer was destroyed. The Rebel Leader’s area, Babylon just slightly to the north, was completely unaffected by the pollution cloud.
The new ENLIL forgave all his enemies and built homes for them in Babylon where they could come and live in peace, something akin to “golden cages”.
As the new ENLIL, his secret number changed from thirty to fifty. He was entitled to wear a headdress which displayed five sets of, for want of a better name, horns. These horns lay one above each other in a stylised way for all to see the wearer’s station in life. Sitchin’s Twelfth Planet has cylinder seal renderings of various levels of power shown by the number of pairs of horns on display; it is thus easy to see who is depicted because there could only be one person at a time with six, five, four, three, two or one set of horns displayed on their head wear.
To provide a level of authority to the wives of the leading pirates, they were given secret numbers also, they were also required to sport head wear featuring horns, but in this case each side of the head ware had different numbers of horns. If a leading pirate was given a secret number of “ten” based number they had an equal number of horns on each side of their head ware, the wife would be given a number based on “5”, five points lower than the husband. To signify level “5” based secret number, one horn less on one side would be shown. Each leading pirate wife had one less horn on their head ware than their husband.
ANU’s secret number was 60, the king of the pirates, he had six horns on each side of his head ware, ANTU, his wife, had six on one side and five on the other, indicating a secret number of 55, higher than every other pirate leader except ANU. In the absence of ANU she held sway over all other pirates.
Thus there were twelve pirates with such numbers. These twelve pirate men and women formed the council that controlled all major policies and activities on our planet. The overall pirate leader ANU; controlled this planet and their own planet, AN/Heaven/Nibiru.
There was one exception to this system when Innana became a leader in her own right and given the level ten her husband, or husband to be, Dumuzi was given the level five. Innana was from the family of the original ENLIL; Dumuzi was a brother of the rebel leader and son of ENKI. There was no love lost between the rebel leader and Dumuzi.
When Dumuzi was accused of rape the rebel leader ordered his arrest. Sadly, Dumuzi died by accident during the arrest, thus depriving Innana of her much vaunted marriage.
This incident caused the first of the two pyramid wars, ending up with the rebel leader being imprisoned in the Great Pyramid by Innana. Allies of the rebel leader tunneled from the lowest channel in the Great Pyramid, through the overburden to where he was held and about to die of lack of oxygen. His rescue gave ANU the opportunity to stop Innana from persecuting him for Dumuzi’s death.
Needles to say, this all happened before Marduk became to be a threat to the then Pirate Administration.
As a new “Fifty” his priestly supporters decided to give the new ENLIL fifty names. These names belonged to important pirates who had been allocated certain tasks by the previous administration, even including work done by his father, ENKI, given name Nudimmud, in creating the slaves.
Eventually, and probably half a million years before that change of ENLIL in 2024BC, on planet AN/Heaven/Nibiru they got around to use the little gold they had. By turning the gold into a very fine powder they were able to place it in orbit over a limited area of their planet’s surface, it seemed to work. They reckoned that more gold was needed – as much as possible to protect the whole of their planet.
There was only one place where one or two who had been educated about their history knew it could be found, Tiamat the planet they called “KI”, pronounced ‘kee’. The fact that it was the gold these pirates came to steal is interesting because their history tells us that they were present when proto Earth (Tiamat) was split in two and they were able to see what happened to the material that was ejected due to the collision.
The two planets, AN and Tiamat, always travel in opposite directions; Tiamat anticlockwise along with all other planets in our solar system apart from the pirate planet, AN which travelled clockwise around the Sun. One can imagine the combined speed of these massive rocks as they came together.
This was the second of such encounters between them. The first was a near miss which caused their gravities and more importantly, a very high electrical potential difference between the two planets to inflict serious damage on each other.
The result being that mini satellites formed of molten rock appearing between the two planets. These were called weapons or ‘winds’ in the texts, several of which struck the other. The most destructive called “The North Wind”, a long time solid moon and probably the largest of the pirate planet, hit Tiamat and fractured it. According to the texts Tiamat was left for dead.
Some of those mini satellites had moved out of the pull of the two planets and slapped the face of a by-stander, our Moon, then called Kingu. The evidence of those hits can be seen to this day as the dark areas called Mare on what was originally a fully light shaded mini planet wandering the cosmos and recently captured by a very large Tiamat.
Having just been formed the mini satellites were still in a molten state when they hit Kingu they spread like a batter mixture in a frying pan, forming roundish flat features that are the dark features on the surface of the Moon we see today.
By the way, the Moon, an orphan planet, as it travelled through space did not rotate. Its passage was determined by the electro-gravitic pull of various cosmic bodies until it was finally captured by Tiamat. The so-called craters on the surface of this planet are not impact craters but electrical scaring produced by interactions between itself and other cosmic bodies as it drifted through space. If you wish to know more about this particular electrical effect, you could no better that reviewing the You Tube offerings of The Thunderbolts Project and its associated bodies.
Any cosmic body captured in the electro-gravitic field of another cosmic body would continue to travel in its path of least resistance, maintaining all its characteristics apart from its direction. At the time of the second impact between Tiamat and the pirate planet the Moon, then called Kingu, was at its closest point to Tiamat and getting closer. On the loss of up to half of its mass, Tiamat could not keep Kingu as close as it had been and it started to drift off, moving slowly away from Tiamat.
That drifting off is still underway at a current rate of about 4 centimetres a year. That rate of drift increases as the distance between the two bodies’ increase. Despite what some people may want to believe, the position of the Moon between the Sun and Earth is determined by its slow escape from Earth at a rate of 4 cm per year and not because it was placed there by some unseen force trying to give the population of Earth a series of spectacular eclipses of the Sun.
Their, the pirate’s, historical record describes the collision event which included the actual spread of materials, which included gold. As Tiamat split apart, the part hit by their planet shattered into millions of pieces, some very large, all the way down to microscopic size. Some of the particles fell onto the planet AN, which was the little gold that they later were to process, some fell back onto the remaining part of Tiamat and the majority of rock flew off into space. I will leave you to guess where that went! Tiamat, with the Moon following along, was forced to move by the impact of the collision from its then orbit between Mars and Jupiter to its current orbit. AN gave Earth its new star scape, referred to erroneously as a new heaven.
We now know why Earth is the only planet on which gold is to be found on or close to its surface. This planet was split apart over 2.1 billion years ago which allowed gold, that should, because of its atomic weight, be way down below the mantel, to be found where it naturally and geologically should not be.
Incidentally, the collision was responsible for other strange geological anomalies on our planet. One of which is the deposition of the iron mountain in the USA, another is the deposition of Ayres Rock in Australia. I am sure many other such Earth based anomalies such as the Ring of Fire, the planets attempt to heal its wound after the collision. Continental Drift resulted from this collision in which the continuous silica crust became a casualty of the impact. Layers of remaining crust which somehow raced across the top of other layers of crust had sufficient impetus initiated by the impact of the collision to cause this seemingly impossible event to happen.
But how do I know that event happened 2.1 or more, billion years ago?
I know because I asked Australian geologists about the age of the strata on which Australian gold is found; they gave me the latest possible date, but were unable to say what the oldest date may be.
That knowledge about the gold was a fact that the pirates knew. At least any pirate who studied their history knew all about that event and where more gold than they had in their possession could be found.
A rebellion happened on the pirate planet – something that seemed to happen a lot – the matter was always settled by unarmed naked combat between the ruler and the rebel. Much more exciting than having an election every five years! Anyway, the loser would be killed and the winner would rule the planet until the next rebellion happened.
On this particular occasion the deposed ruler managed to escape his fate and fled in his personal rocket ship off into space. Being a studious person, this ex-ruler knew where the gold his planet needed was to be found. He figured if he really could find gold and report back to the pirate planet where that much needed gold was to be found because he had in his possession pieces he had collected from its surface, he could, maybe, be given a reprieve.
He went to that planet, splashed down in a handy bit of water, plodged ashore and almost immediately found what he was looking for. Back to his rocket ship he went, rang home and made a deal. He would be spared, but he would have no power in the colony that was to be established on the planet of gold.
Fine, no problem for him if he could relax on this beautiful planet as a retired monarch, better than losing one’s head and there would be the company of his own people around him. His name was ALALU, the name of his now monarch – ANU.
Shortly after the first team arrived; comprising scientists and technicians and about twenty helpers. They began by trying to find gold in the seawater. Now I am not a scientist, (well I am but I thought it would be funnier if I said that), but even I know gold won’t float so I would have advised them to look on land because they were more likely to find it there.
However, currently gold miners are finding gold on the sea floor, but only where that sea floor is older than 2.1 million years; continental shelf, in the main, will be of that age. The sea floor proper is very much younger and will not have much gold to be found, only that which may have been washed off the land and down through canyons in the continental shelves onto those deep areas of the sea floor.
The failure of the team to find adequate, or any, gold caused ANU to send his number one son to this planet to take over the gold stealing project.
The leader of the first team was the eldest but second in status son of ANU, called ENKI and he had a home built for himself by volunteers (ahem!) from his team. This home was built close to where ALALU had first landed, this home became the central point of a habitation for the pirates and was called ERIDU meaning; “Home in the Faraway”. The current name of our planet, “Earth” is the English transliteration of ERIDU, effectively calling our planet “Home in the Faraway”.
This arrival on Earth of the two pirate teams happened almost half a million years ago. Their stated aim was to collect as much gold as possible and ship it back to AN via Mars. This was so urgent that nothing should interfere in the project. All the gold found was analysed to determine its purity because carrying gold through space after a fight to get it through the gravitational pull of Earth was a costly affair, so only the purest product should be loaded onto the rocket ships for onward transmission to Mars.
The purification centre was at Bad-Tibira where a metal refining industry was established. Close by was their then space port in Sippar; Sippar meaning Bird City.
Mars was where the small loads of gold that could be lifted through the larger planet’s gravity, were consolidated into much larger consignments. These larger consignments could be lifted off through the smaller planet’s gravitational pull, making it possible for large amounts of gold to be sent on to AN to speed the repair of its atmosphere.
Mars was habitable at that time with a life supporting atmosphere and potable water. Food was available as plant material and each gold shipment carried meat for the way station team. Ironically, it was their planet AN, that caused catastrophic changes to Mars when on one pass of the planet, AN came so close that it stripped Mars of its atmosphere and water. The strong voltage difference between AN and Mars was responsible for the creation of solar system’s largest so called volcano and several other smaller so called volcanoes on Mars, not gravity but the large electric potential difference between the two planets the effects were enormous, producing these massive structures which really should be called mega Fulgurites.
The massive scar, Valle Marinaris is exactly the shape of a spiralling plasma discharge, you can see the opposite turning curved tails one to the right, the other to the left, is where the electromagnetic force mined a huge amount of material and depositing it remotely from that scar, where it can be seen as broken rock of many sizes spreading over many square kilometres. Martian meteorites which land on Earth from time to time were thrown into the heavens by the same event.
Mars has a positive charge being inside the Sun’s corona pause and AN has a negative charge, residing for most of its orbit outwith the Sun’s coronal pause. If that pass had not happened Mars would have continued to be habitable, the way station operation would have continued its work and the mega Fulgurites would not have happened. The overall shape of the Valle Marinaris scar has the same structure as that found at the centre of any galaxy, a bar ending in curved tails displaying the beginning – or ending of the streams of electrically charged plasma making up the arms of the galaxy.
Luckily, the way station staff had prior warning of the coming disaster and left to fly to AN with the remaining gold.
The ruler of AN, ANU paid a visit to the gold stealing project on our planet, Tiamat/KI/Earth, this was the first visit of the pirate leader and it turned into something of a state visit. All the pirates were to attend in honour of the event, including ALALU the former monarch. During the ceremony ALALU challenged ANU for the right to be monarch and ANU accepted the challenge. The naked struggle seemed to go on and on. First one then the other would have the upper hand, until finally ANU had the challenger on his back – he had won. However, being naked their wedding tackle was unprotected and ALALU struck, biting off ANU’s testicles, he swallowed them.
This was not a clever move, having swallowed the testicles, ALALU would die a long painful death so instead of having him killed, ANU decided it would be better he died the nasty way.
ALALU was exiled to Mars accompanied by a volunteer from among the pirates who would look after him through his illness and ultimate death. Even though Mars was now an inhospitable planet both pirates survived quite a long time, how they managed to do this is not described. This was all written about by Zachariah Sitchin long before the face on Mars was found, the conclusion has to be that Sitchin was right and the face is that of ALALU.
ANU congratulated the project team for their work and gave an update on how the work on AN was progressing. It seems the gold was used quickly, first converting it into the powder then spreading the powder in a high orbit around the pirate planet. However, the amount of gold received so far was enough to cover only a small fraction of the planet. “We need a lot more gold from you and in greater quantities.” was his message.
This made things a lot harder for the gold stealing project team, more so for their people who were actually mining the gold. They now had to mine into the upper layers of the planet which had accrued over the gold in the time between its deposition on the surface of the solid part of Tiamat and the start of their project. Gold was still being found but at greater and greater cost to their miners.
This state visit took place on mount Herman in today’s Syria and it is from where 200 young pirates stole 300 slave females for themselves and their colleagues who were left on the orbiting stations from where they watched what was happening on Earth. They had no access to pirate females and wanted to be able to have vaginal sex and if possible leave a genetic legacy of their own.
When the slaves were created they were called the black haired, or black headed people. They were given that the name as a description to distinguish them from the pirates who all had fair hair and pale skins. The young pirate’s legacy is slaves who were no longer black haired but who were of various shades from dark brown to white. It later transpired that skin and hair colour would be conducive to life at various latitudes depending on things like the production of the Sun’s vitamin; vitamin D.
The story of Zuisudra, he of the flood, is a good example of this. Zuisudra’s parent were black and he was white, the colour of their chief pirate ENKI. The father was concerned that Zuisudra’s mother had had sex with ENKI to have such a light skinned son. He was eventually convinced that the baby’s colour was an aberration; not the son of ENKI.
This, however, is probably proved wrong by the fact that ENKI went against the dictates of the pirate council to not warn slaves about what was to happen. He told Zuisudra about the upcoming flood and to save his life by building a submersible craft in which his people could be saved along with the seeds of plants and genetic material for all the animals that would be wiped out. The only animals he should bring onto the Ark were pirate food animals which would be used to provide food for those pirates that survived the upcoming ordeal.
The then ENLIL was furious to find that some slaves had survived the flood, but changed his mind after eating some of the meat that Zuisudra had burned for the pirates. ENLIL decided that from then on slaves could also eat meat and animal products to help increase the number of slaves to get pirate life back to what it was like before the flood.
A visit by the then ENLIL, Leader of the Pirate Administration and ANU’s second son but first in status, to the mines in southern Africa to check on how things were progressing sparked a mutiny by the ANUNAKI miners against him. He made matters worse by threatening them and they responded by destroying their tools. At this stage he decided the situation needed to be reported to ANU. ANU came to the project to see for himself what was going on. He agreed with the miners that their conditions were unsustainable, change was needed. He called a meeting of the 12 senior pirates to see if a solution could be found to both help the miners and continue the flow of gold back to AN. The meeting brought forth some suggestions but they were all rejected because they couldn’t satisfy both aspects of the problem.
It was at this stage that the original leader of the project, given name Nudimmud, whose epithet was ENKI in Sumer, spoke up noting that it would be possible to create a slave that could take on the heavy work of the junior pirates. ENLIL objected to the creation of a new species, that was a task one for their God not for them. He was overruled by ANU and other senior pirates, giving ENKI permission to proceed with the production of the slave species.
According to the texts this task took only one orbit of AN, one year for that planet, 3,600 of our years. Nudimmud being a scientist was also a capable geneticist. He set about creating various kinds of creatures, having first creating a specification of desirable characteristics for the helper.
This stage of Nudimmud’s work saw the creation of many different chimeras each one being a combination of two or more animals. All the so called mythical beasts originated here in the continuing attempts to find the miner’s helper. The most famous being the symbol for Capricorn, a chimera resulting from the combination of a goat and a fish. The Minator, the Centaur and Pan, are all examples of the tests carried out in Nudimmud’s search for a solution.
New food animals were also created, from what they found around them. These people were carnivores, yet eventually when it became time to produce a slave for their use, they intended them to be vegan. Slaves were not allowed to eat any kind of animal or side products from animals such as eggs; milk and milk produce or use any part of them. The genetic engineers and the rest of their kind, on the other hand, were used to eating meat and had a wide range of food animals where they came from.
They engineered the modern pig, the sheep, which were given the title “small cattle”, and actual cattle which were given the preferred characteristic of tameness to allow them to be herded, milked and have their young removed from them for meat for themselves, while the milk the cow was producing for their own young became part of their diet.
Eventually, Nudimmud decided that something akin to the Annunaki themselves but without the special characteristics they possessed, was probably the best solution. The last chimera to be produced was a combination of genes from Homo niburiensis and Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, intelligent hominid, or slaves as I will call them in the rest of this paper.
Males only were produced through the pirate’s cloning process. No slave females, so the pirates used their own women to bear these new baby creatures. However, they soon found they were not producing sufficient clones at a rate fast enough to match their growing needs even while none of these slaves died except by accident, murder or suicide.
It was eventually agreed to produce females of our species also, in the view of one of their team, to give the males something new with which to play, while the rest of the team were intent on getting more slaves through vaginal sex, just as the pirates reproduced. This meant that the female had to be viable. 230,000 years ago saw the appearance of slave females in or around the area we now call Victoria Falls. (That age and place is given by modern day geneticists)
For the 20,000 years before females arrived, slave males enjoyed sex between themselves and other animals. They were vegans so no animals had fear of them. Animals and slaves lived in the same spaces and ate the same foodstuff. When the female slave was introduced into the herd, nothing much happened as far as sex was concerned.
Anal sex for male slave continued even with this new animal; as had been the case with other animals and of course between slave males themselves. This was not what had been planned, one of the pirates overseeing the genetic team saw that nothing was happening except for joyful (anal) sex and was pleased; slave males had their playmates and seemed content. However, for the rest of the team this situation had to be changed.
A volunteer offered himself as a teacher of how the sex act should be carried out. The esteemed volunteer took a long; long time teaching the new way of having sex. There is even a name that has been handed down about a ‘god’ who traveled around Central and South America teaching slaves to have proper productive sex.
When I first read this, my understanding of the sex drive of most of us is that we are, men and women, sex addicts; we didn’t need telling how to do the most rewarding ‘task’, we just do it! But after reading more widely it became obvious why there was a need for the volunteer going around the world showing that vaginal sex was the right way to do it. Anal sex might be pleasant, but if you felt the need for offspring, try the vaginal way. It all fits, er, historically that is, ahem!
The slave female really enjoyed this new sex act, but they were concerned because they were being taught a strange form of sex and also found it difficult to convince their males to try vaginal sex. Eventually, some slave males began having vaginal sex, but doing it secretly! Very few others in their local community would have known for fear of ridicule or worse.
They, apparently, were afraid to admit they were doing something different to what had been done for the past 20 thousand years. Remember quite a number of the slave males would have been alive for a good part, if not all of those 20 thousand years. They knew what was right and what was wrong and this new kind of sex was just very wrong and just because it felt better didn’t mean it was the right thing to do. Of course, they were aware of other animals having young through that type of sex. However; “We are different and better than those lower animals, we do not need young because we will live forever. Let us make our own decisions about how and with whom we do IT!” Somehow that sort of sounds familiar!
There was a lot of ambiguity in this situation, it was impossible to tell what kind of sex individuals who shared time with this new animal were having, but then who cares, no one is being hurt by this. Wrong! As soon as a slave male had vaginal sex, the rest of animal kind seemed to know and refused further sex to those individuals.
After a year or two of some slaves doing IT the new way there was no sign of offspring. The genetic engineers went back to their history of the making of the slave male.
The pirates read in their records that the genes of an animal native to Earth, the clay; also known as H erectus, was mixed with the genes of one of their own. The resulting animal did what was required as a slave, but now it could not produce offspring. They eventually realised that what was satisfactory then just was not capable of doing what was required now, to produce babies.
Slave males were mules; animals produced from the joining of two closely related species and had no usable sex chromosomes, similar to the Ass x Horse result, the equine mule.
These genetics engineers were at a loss, “Have we wasted all this work just to provide upgraded sex for our slaves?” One can imagine them asking themselves and nodding sagely to each other.
After long and serious contemplation of this, what looked like the end of their attempt to find a more efficient way to produce more badly needed slaves they did eventually produce a workaround.
What was needed was a set of sex chromosomes for every male and every female slave. It was also understood that if a technique could be found to allow slaves to produce young, the long-lived slaves could soon outnumber their creators, even swamping the planet at the expense of all other life.
The logical conclusion, should successful birthing of slaves happen, was a way to shorten the life expectancy of their slaves. Generation by generation lives should shorten. It would be too late to change the male genetics, but the female was a different matter, there were so few that it would be possible to put in place the genetic means of changing the whole of the subsequent slave population’s life spans.
In fact a further two genetic modifications were needed and carried out. The first was the addition of sex chromosomes into both male and female slaves by connecting one of each sex to a pirate of the same sex via their ribs. This apparently allowed the transfer of pirate genetic material to permeate the slave bodies; sex chromosomes successfully given.
The next change happened to slave females only, their genetic code was modified to allow the telomere ends to decay, thus reducing the life span of all subsequent offspring. The result – life spans reduced quite dramatically for slaves.
Again, our geneticists were able to find that it is the female genome that determines how long the telomere will last and therefore the “normal” life span of homo sapiens.
There is a point about blood compatibility that needs to be made here. The pirate blood and slave blood originate in the pirate that was sacrificed by his fellows to create the slave.
There was complete compatibility, sufficient eventually to allow pirates and slaves to have productive sex with no complications. Both sexes from both sides engaged in sex, we know this because of at least two historical examples. Gilgamesh’s mother was a female pirate, NINSUN and Zuisudra’s father was the male pirate, ENKI. Then, of course, there is the kidnap of 300 slave females by pirate watchers and their offspring who were the first non-black headed slaves.
There exists a very useful historical artifact called the “Kings’ List”. At the outset of the list, kings were living many thousands of years; sometimes there are kings in place for multiples of 3,600 years. The kings’ list actually records their kingship terms gradually getting shorter as we approach the flood, 13,000 years ago. After which we see life spans of such individuals matching what we would call “normal”.
I have put our creators in the context of pirates because they meet any criteria for that name, but also to show they were not gods but scientifically advanced hominids that were capable of so many “wondrous” things that their slaves actually began seeing them as gods because they could not see how else they could do the things they did. We slaves are now in a position to understand that the pirate science and technology they had perfected allowed “amazing” things to happen.
We, their slaves, are now in a position to replicate all or most of what they could do and consequently in a position to cast off superstition and face up to the fact that gods are solely a figment of our imagination, invented when we tried to fill in gaps in our knowledge.
Amazing, thank you for sharing.
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From what I’ve read I think Homo Sapiens started enslaving lesser hominids or other tribes of Homo Sapiens that didn’t look like them. It was said they were made from clay because they played in the mud to cool off and because the higher society could make things from clay. The Enki myth helps to confirm that. In his story he may have just stolen another tribe’s woman to impregnate because the children take over the tasks of the elderly and it was the first child they had seen in a long time, or it was a mix of species making it look afflicted. But if you read the Adam and Eve myth with god as a tree farmer who entrusted Adam with an orchard of fruit (the Tree of Life), Adam eventually burned down the forest using the “Fruit of Knowledge” or fire, which made that tree farmer enslave him. It’s thought that fire gave us access to more nutrients which helped our brains enlarge, and most technology even in the stone age required fire. I also think that the rib Adam had was used to make art in the mud, which the farmer took in exchange for a wife, and that some other guy (a snake) or after a storm Eve followed a snake to a forest fire where she found burned animals that tasted good. I prefer the guy being Prometheus, but snakes are drawn to warmth too. And women can be thought of as addicted to fire since they always seem cold. But we remember Adam because he wrote stories with his rib, and he used fire to dry the mud he drew in and we lost the tree farmer’s name to the removal of all other gods by Nebuchadnezzar, another master of a large number of slaves. It kind of explains why the tree farmer would have liked the meat Abel brought him as opposed to the fruit Cain brought him as he could already grow plants himself. It would also make Nod, somewhere near the Nile since they are close in name and the Nile floods made horticulture easier there. But that’s my theory. I don’t think we were delivered here by extraterrestrials and think there is a more local explanation to everything even if the tree farmer was a Gigantopithecus instead of a Homo Sapien. Although if there were an extraterrestrial explanation, I’d say Saturn is the place to look. Their satellite system seems to have collapsed but I need more evidence for that.
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For me Descartes, Studied duality of matter, I am fond of saying body is continuous, But I am still virgin on Mind & Spirit.