Jehovah Witnesses

Jehovah Witnesses

The Jehovah’s Witnesses trace their origins to Charles Taze Russell, who began a Bible study group in the 1870s in Allegheny, Pennsylvania (near Pittsburgh). In 1879, he started publishing Zion’s…
Diversity in Judaism: Branches, Beliefs, and Key Traditions

Diversity in Judaism: Branches, Beliefs, and Key Traditions

The Holy Bible highlights key figures, notably Abraham and Moses, who are central to the religious narratives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham, traditionally dated to around 2000 B.C., is…
“Discovering The Oxford University Interpretations of The Anunnaki”

“Discovering The Oxford University Interpretations of The Anunnaki”

I've read quite a few books in the last year about the Anunnaki, and there is so much information about them that just trying to figure out where to begin…