The Anunnaki/Anuna were a group of deities in Mesopotamian mythology, considered significant figures by civilizations such as the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. The term ‘Anunnaki’ emerged in the linguistic landscape around 2144–2124 B.C., during the Akkadian Empire. Before adopting the term ‘Anunnaki,’ the Sumerians referred to them as ‘Anuna.’ The worship of these deities is well-documented in the religious practices of ancient Mesopotamian cultures, where they held a prominent place in mythology and ritualistic traditions.
But who exactly were the Anunnaki, and where did they come from?
Anunnaki Origins: A Historical Exploration
The name ‘Anunnaki’ is derived from the Sumerian god of the sky, An, also known as Anu, who serves as the head of the Anunnaki pantheon. The term ‘Anunnaki’ can be interpreted in various ways, ranging from ‘those of royal blood’ to ‘princely offspring,’ reflecting the diverse perspectives on its meaning. In this context, envisioning a family tree may help illustrate their relationships, with Anu as the central figure.
Many scholars acknowledge the Sumerians as one of the earliest civilizations on Earth. This ancient civilization meticulously recorded its daily life and history, particularly concerning the Anuna/Anunnaki, their gods. The Sumerians’ detailed records, often inscribed on cuneiform tablets, provide valuable insights into their mythology, cosmology, and religious practices, offering a glimpse into the roles and significance of the Anuna/Anunnaki in their culture.
Previous Article: “Sumerians The First Civilization”
Zecharia Sitchin, renowned for his theories from supposedly translating Sumerian cuneiform tablets, asserted that the Anunnaki originated from a planet called Nibiru. It’s important to note, however, that according to historical records, the Sumerians themselves referred to Nibiru as a city within Mesopotamia.
Today, many individuals are entrenched in their beliefs and resistant to change, even when confronted with new information. I’ve come to understand that a genuine pursuit of knowledge involves drawing insights from a wide array of sources related to the subject at hand.
Dr. Michael S. Heiser is the proprietor of the website [Home Page (]. He established this site with the mission of preventing the manipulation of ancient texts to support false claims. If his objective is to ensure the accuracy of information, it raises the question: Who were the Anunnaki?

“Welcome to the website devoted to addressing the claims of the ancient astronaut hypothesis popularized in the writings of Zecharia Sitchin.”
under What’s This All About? on Home Page (
“Why do I bother with this stuff? Because I don’t like ancient texts manipulated to promote false claims.”
Reading Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s material and watching his interviews, it becomes apparent that he holds a critical view of Zecharia Sitchin’s work. Notably, Dr. Heiser, a religious individual, expresses his stance through his website, which succinctly reflects his disagreement with Sitchin’s claims about the Anunnaki.
Given Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s differing perspective on the Anunnaki, an intriguing question arises: If he doesn’t subscribe to Sitchin’s theory, then who does he believe the Anunnaki are?
African Connections Explored: Navigating Dr. Supreme Understanding’s Trilogy
In my recent readings, I delved into the works of Dr. Supreme Understanding. His books—’When The World Was Black: The Untold History Of The World’s First Civilizations Part One: Prehistoric Culture,’ ‘When The World Was Black: The Untold History Of The World’s First Civilizations-Volume Two of the Science of Self Part Two: Ancient Civilizations,’ and ‘Black GOD: An Introduction to the World’s Religions and their Black GODS’—shed light on the migration patterns from Africa, the origins of inventions, and the untold history of ancient civilizations.
Surprisingly, I discovered the term ‘Anu’ and its variations scattered across Africa in various books. What’s more intriguing is that the title used for the head of the Anunnaki pantheon has roots in Africa, predating both ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations.
Haplogroups and Sumerians:
A recent exploration into haplogroups, inspired by Dr. Supreme Understanding, revealed fascinating connections. Tracing the genetic origins of certain Sumerian groups led to the realization that their roots may extend to Africa. Understanding haplogroups provides a unique lens into the ancestral origins of various populations.

I find the Sumerians and their ‘gods’ intriguing due to the striking parallels that emerge between the gods in Egypt and Mesoamerica. Take, for instance, the exploration of Enki, an Anunnaki deity credited with creating humans to relieve the toil of the Igigi. Many posit that Enki might also be identified with Ptah or Khnum, two ancient Egyptian gods. Yet, examining Ptah’s roots, particularly his connection to pygmy cultures, suggests Ptah may have been venerated differently.
If the Anunnaki weren’t extraterrestrial beings, the alternative theory suggests they were a group of individuals elevated to godhood on Earth.
To comprehend the early dynamics of human migration is to grasp how our world was populated and why there are shared threads in the global worship of gods.
In pursuit of figuring out who the Anunnaki were, the search persists.
Until our next exploration, remember: Knowledge is Power.
So I think the origin of civilisation isnt know by humans (unless secret societies know, and as we know they dont share information). It was Sumeria then Egypt then Africa, it keeps changing. A point would be Annukai would be civilized and where they landed (just one place probably) would be where their civilisation started, but where was man made and from whence did his civilisation start. I think its important to make a distinction even though I have no answers to either,
Interesting point of view. Thank you.
Good read. Excellent ideas of understanding the beginning. And human movement in ancient times.
I’ve been staring down this road for quite some time. The question I believe needs to be answered is who built all of these pyramids that are everywhere? This pyramid civilization was worldwide and came before the mesopotamians
In the early Sumerian texts, originally created to keep track of their sheep and grain the first stories come with the mother of the gods and the first mention of the Annunaki with the descent of Inanna to the Underworld to lay claim to it where her plans go awry and she is stripped of rank and killed by her sister Ereshkigal, the Queen. Her lover and consort Dumuzi has been having a very good time in her absence and she cuts a deal with Ereshkigal where she can have Dumuzi instead, When she returns to the land of the living, she tells Dumuzi that he will have to die and return to the underworld in her place. He makes a terrified run for it and is pursued for a long time by the Annunaki but is eventually saved by his sister who makes a deal where he only has to stay for 6 months and can return to the land of the living for 6 months of the year.
The arrival in Sumer of the ‘black headed’ people shows them as coming from the East, Asian countries not the West, North Africa. Some early Egyptians came from Nubia, but the African Diaspora is based probably erroneously on the absence of data from elsewhere to support it. Such records are probably on the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Many moves to suggest a global origin are rigorously suppressed by the Out of Africa Lobby, in the face of the lack of Neanderthal genes in the African population.
Nimrod isn’t a helpful association for Ninurta since Nimrod, “the mighty hunter before the Lord” was an Israelite, part of the Exodus story and a cousin of Joshua.
The search for gold is interesting and is clearly still going on and being sent to the 12th planet (sorry, 11th planet now Pluto isn’t a planet any more) from the South African kraal sites, too small to accommodate a tribe and having no entrances or exits. and the missing gold being covered by the Federal Reserve, A huge debt treated as money by the over rich who only get excited by a reduction in the flow of money in their direction.
13.1 + 13.1 = 26.2!
We are ONE tenth of a mile from the finish line!
Sincerely The Left Handed American Idiot!
Like reading an Agatha Christie. If M. Heifer has merit it’s a compulsory explore. My limited knowledge seats me on the fence but I love the scent of truth so I got to learn with time. Thank you
How do you feel about Sitchinis translation? You have researched the Sumerian text and surely have a theory on the whole story.
I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your blogs really nice, keep it up!
I’ll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back down the
road. Many thanks
Would you be desirous about exchanging hyperlinks?
I would not be in a rush to throw out Sitchin just yet. Compare also the myths of Egypt, Sumer/Akkad and South Africa.
Makes sense to me, as it follows closely what I knew before I read this. Easy to understand as well.
Billy Carson also has excellent incites into the writings. Worth the read an listen.
Michael Tellinger will also increase your knowledge on side topics that could explain a lot.
Sounds like you love to learn and make up your own mind.
Good luck in your journey. It’s very interesting stuff!
I need more information to read in please,, just send me some off on my email , thank you
what happened to origin of sea life becoming land life from which humans eventually sprang.
Nimrod. His line is… Khem..Canaan..Cush.. Nimrod of Akkad. Killed by Hayk ex Japheth.. of Armenia.
Im hebrew Anu means US/WE and Anunaki means -we are clean
We have more to discover about where we come from (humanity) thanks for this priceless information 🙏
Same people different story, thanks for this priceless information about us 🙏
I love that you have added so many sources to your post and that you aren’t trying to persuade one way or another so much as presenting the facts. I personally am on the fence on the ancient aliens theories but am open-minded to the possibility. I often wonder how things were built that we look at today (Peru, Egypt, Mayan) could these massive civilizations have had access to a technology that came from alien visitations. Sure, I think it is possible. With cultures like the Hopi, and many others leaving pictographs of “sky people,” I am at the very least more curious to learn more. Sadly, I have to admit I am a pretty hard-core skeptic by nature, so seeking more ideas and knowledge is how I form my opinions. You have presented a good case for review. Thank you!
A teoria dos alienígenas é interessante, mas como esta civilização que fazia registros em tabuas de cerâmica tinham tanto conhecimento de matemática, astronomia, solstícios, sabiam que a terra era redonda e girava sobre o próprio eixo e muitos outros conhecimentos. Quem eram os seus mestres!??? Muito intrigante!!!
Reading this takes me back to the days/years I passed all over Africa for decades. I loved matching my dads family history. I loved Africa and worked there as well as study. 💙🙏🏽🥰
Great information thank you. I read somewhere that the Samaritan tablets wrote about their home planet. I definitely believe there are civilisations beyond earth and think they go have been here establishing civilisation- watching Ancient Aliens and Ancient Apocalypse has confirmed that for me. Stephen Greer ( The Disclosure Project)has excellent info about the current states of ETS and why the military are hiding the info from the population and even the president and other officials.
Buongiorno , trovo la teoria di Sitchin MOLTO INTERESSANTE ma molti particolari non mi convincono. Lei che ne pensa in proposito, Sitchin e’ affidabile o no ?
I find all of this to be truly fascinating, indeed! I, myself, have ancient bloodlines, going back to Inanna and Enki and Enlil. I feel as though I have entered the Twilight Zone as I have continued on my Journey of Self Discovery and found many interesting things to support my claims. I eagerly await more disclosure into who this Ancient Bloodline has in their Family Tree, as I may be on to some fascinating information that needs to be revealed.
Lemuria, tartaria, China, Atlantis, ..the answer is at the Antarctic South pole, with no fly Zone. And in Kazakhstan if I remember. The religious tempel of all.
Our history, our language has been hidden by the people in power, they slowly release it to certain groups bit by bit. The rest get confused or misunderstood what was being told , a basic thing to understand if we don’t understand we can be manipulated easier , when the truth is told many start wars out of programming of the mind by breaking what we thought was true it shows , Humans fight or flight instinct to hold on to the pieces we thought was true , religions or cultures battle for the view of an ideal that was all programmed. Best way to start again in a new area break the views we’ve been told let them kill eachother off and start anew , then a new programme can start .
They were the fallen Angels! Gen 6, New Testament
Interesting… I am looking forward to checking out his bibliography.
This is awesome facts loving this
Ellos. Si. ELlos si Que. SON .La Sagrada Familia . maravillosa Raza humana de aquellos Momentos ..y sus parámetros intrínsicos .