Uncovering History at the Ocmulgee Mounds in Macon, Georgia

Uncovering History at the Ocmulgee Mounds in Macon, Georgia

The Ocmulgee Mounds, located in Macon, Georgia, are a significant archaeological site that preserves the cultural heritage of Native American civilizations that lived in the area for thousands of years. These earthen mounds, built by the Mississippian culture around 900-1100 CE, served various purposes, including ceremonial, religious, and residential functions.

The site includes a Great Temple Mound, a Funeral Mound, and other smaller mounds, along with the remnants of a prehistoric village and fortifications. The mounds were constructed using a sophisticated method of layering earth and clay, reflecting the advanced engineering skills of the Mississippian people. The Ocmulgee Mounds were central to the spiritual and social life of the community, with the Great Temple Mound likely being used for important rituals and gatherings.

Today, the Ocmulgee Mounds are part of the Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park, which offers visitors a chance to explore this ancient site through trails, a museum, and interpretive programs. The park highlights the rich history of the Mississippian culture and connects to the broader story of Native American history in the Southeastern United States.

Make sure you click the picture to enlarge it, and if possible, try to visit the location.


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  1. aethr9

    Encountered you on TwitterX for having discussed Dr. Cheng’s work on zebrafish.
    The identified individual following is an exceptional researcher/scholar on mound-builders culture in N. America. That said, his postings are biased towards a view of the Americas having been populated from across the Bering Strait presumably by straight-haired Mongoloids.

    Gregory L Little, Ed.D.

  2. aethr9

    Encountered you on TwitterX for having discussed Dr. Cheng’s work on zebrafish.
    The identified individual following is an exceptional researcher/scholar on mound-builders culture in N. America. That said, his postings are biased towards a view of the Americas having been populated from across the Bering Strait presumably by straight-haired Mongoloids.

    Gregory L Little, Ed.D.

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