Enki’s Journey to Nibru: c.1.7.4: In the shrine of Nibru, Enki provided a meal for Enlil, his father.
Enlil was an individual who was identified as a god and or king of the Anuna/Anunnaki; he was considered royalty and powerful. An exciting tale surrounding Enlil is that somehow he was aware of a devastating flood that would destroy humanity. Because he was made aware of the flood, he swore with other Anunnaki members about not forewarning the lesser individuals. From what I understand, why the oath was made, he and some of the other Anunnaki were afraid of panic from the lesser individuals, making escaping for the Anunnaki harder. At this moment, Enlil was only concerned with saving the ones that mattered to him.
Flood Story
Before the devastating flood swept across Shinar/Sumer, Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Ninḫursaĝa decided through an oath to each other and the rest of the Anunnaki to allow the seed of humanity to be destroyed by the flood. However, sometime after making that oath, Enki (sometimes regarded as Enlil’s brother) provided Zi-ud-sura (Noah) with information about the upcoming flood, and Zi-ud-sura and his family were saved. This is very interesting because there is this one place, ancient Mesopotamia, that has different stories about a flood, but the significant difference in these stories between the ancient Mesopotamia versions and what’s written in the Holy Bible version, are the gods.

It’s fascinating to know that much of what is written in the Holy Bible can be found on ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets, such as the Atra-hasis or The Epic of Gilgamesh, two other stories about a devastating flood in ancient Mesopotamia. However, in the Holy Bible, God, a single deity, is angry and prepares to send a catastrophic flood to wipe out the earth’s wickedness.
As I read and learned more about Enlil, it’s interesting that one of Enlil’s sons was Ninurta. Ninurta has been compared to Nimrod. This is the same man written in the Holy Bible and the one who founded the supposedly Sumerian civilization. So, is Enlil possibly Cush?
Ancient Texts
Exodus 12:12 (KJV) For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.
Exodus 18:11 (KJV) Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly he was above them.
According to The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.
The Flood story: c.1.7.4
After An, Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa had fashioned the black-headed people, they also made animals multiply everywhere, and made herds of four-legged animals exist on the plains, as is befitting. (approx. 32 lines missing)
The Flood story: c.1.7.4
……seat in heaven. …… flood. …… mankind. So he made ……. Then Nintur ……. Holy Inana made a lament for its people. Enki took counsel with himself. An, Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa made all the gods of heaven and earth take an oath by invoking An and Enlil. In those days Zi-ud-sura the king, the gudug priest, ……. He fashioned ……. The humble, committed, reverent ……. Day by day, standing constantly at ……. Something that was not a dream appeared, conversation ……, …… taking an oath by invoking heaven and earth. In the Ki-ur, the gods …… a wall. Zi-ud-sura, standing at its side, heard: “Side-wall standing at my left side, ……. Side-wall, I will speak words to you; take heed of my words, pay attention to my instructions. A flood will sweep over the …… in all the ……. A decision that the seed of mankind is to be destroyed has been made. The verdict, the word of the divine assembly, cannot be revoked. The order announced by An and Enlil cannot be overturned. Their kingship, their term has been cut off; their heart should be rested about this. Now ……. What …….” (approx. 38 lines missing)
Enlil and Ninlil: c.1.2.1
There was a city, there was a city — the one we live in. Nibru was the city, the one we live in. Dur-ĝišnimbar was the city, the one we live in. Id-sala is its holy river, Kar-ĝeština is its quay. Kar-asar is its quay where boats make fast. Pu-lal is its freshwater well. Id-nunbir-tum is its branching canal, and if one measures from there, its cultivated land is 50 sar each way. Enlil was one of its young men, and Ninlil was one its young women. Nun-bar-še-gunu was one of its wise old women.
The lament for Nibru: c.2.2.4
Although Sumer and Akkad had been desecrated by the foe, afterwards hearts were appeased, spirits soothed! All the great gods thus had compassion! They looked upon those sunk in exhaustion and brought them up out of it! They restored your city which had been razed to ruins! Enlil, king of all countries, restored its shining property which had been scattered, which had been devastated! There where the populace rested in the cool after building their nests, in Nibru, the mountain of the greatest divine powers, from where they had taken an unfamiliar path — at Enlil’s word the Anuna, those very lords who determine the fates, ordered that the temples which they had forsaken and the jewels, put there long ago, which had been carried off by the wind, should all be restored!
Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Ebeling, J., Flückiger-Hawker, E., Robson, E., Taylor, J., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/), Oxford 1998–2006.
The Bible acknowledges that there are other gods, and it makes me wonder who these gods were and where they came from. So far, through my previous articles, I have provided what I have learned from the many books I’ve read, classes I’ve taken, and research I’ve conducted. I am confident I am on the right path to understanding better who these gods are. I do not make any of this up. All this information comes from hours of reading, researching, and studying.
Taking the time to read and learn about other religions, cultures, and civilizations is an incredible feeling, especially when I can share it with people who are also on that same journey of knowledge.
Each argument I’ve personally come across about the origins of the Anunnaki seems to have some evidence to sway me either way. Still, the truth is, No One Knows, and because of that, my research continues.
Until Next Time, Knowledge is Power
Further Reading
Having read this I thought it was really informative.
I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this short article together.
I once again find myself personally spending a lot of time both reading and
leaving comments. But so what, it was still worth it!
Greetings! Very helpful advice on this article! It is the little changes that make the biggest changes. Thanks a lot for sharing!
We know that God means guardian helper. That’s a good perspective.
When it was discovered that a meteor was coming to earth and would cause a flood that would change everything.
To me over time rationale minds wanting to create a cohesive understanding from such limited primitive knowledge thinks God was punishing man for wrong behavior.
I have to wonder if such thoughts were just a way for certain people to create a position thru religious context to rule over mankind. As in the movie, V for Vandeta.
Thank you for sharing . I know learning the truth must be a passion of yours, as is mine. I like that it fits with the Holy Bible of God. Just difference in languages is what I am seeing.
Would like to know more.
We have to know the truth.
We all share this one great passion.
Very informative article indeed !
I know there was one God,Because if their was more than one god they were just a different race or species that created us.Then the question becomes who or what created them?
According to “The Book of Enki”, the Anuna believed in the “Creator of All Things”. This is not to say there are no gods… or no God. This is to say that God, in his wisdom, didn’t stop the Anuna from creating virtual slaves on a distant planet… made by Him. Knowledge is power, but only by objective study will we find the truth. And maybe the truth will stay hidden until it become redundant.
Remember: “Study to show thyself approved…”
they were millions of years ahead of where we r now!!! for instance u dont really believe noah had lions and sheep etc on the same boat/ship???? they gave noah the dna of every human race, animals. plants insects etc etc …imo
The Anunnaki, genuine ones, are energetic beings, no material bodies and it appears only in a sort of holographic projections as a headless seagull. All the embodied ones are just Anunnaki hybrids. I didn’t study the holly books, I just met one of them, that 2022 years ago walked the dust of Judea, as a hybrid.
I have found published scripture profoundly confusing, diabolical, counterintuitive and a solicitation to enlist in a conflict of great powers, I chose to avoid, since childhood. Now, revealing an alternative interpretation due to an exacting translation, I find my early misgivings substantially correct! I now understand, with clarity, why I felt intimidated and demeaned. Scripture, is a body of verse interpreted and written by mankind of verbal traditions handed down over the ages. Additionally, that body of verse was organized, directed and executed by those in power for, essentially, their own benefit. The fact that it was a Cesar of Rome organizing Christianity sheds light on the reasons for what exists today! Authority, influence and money talks!
Paul Anthony Wallis has, for me, revealed a more probable interpretation of biblical verse. One that is devoid of the creation of a religious power structure. The Old Testament is a rendition of old knowledge refuted by Jesus. Yet, Rome came along later to restore the old order of power admonished by Jesus in the establishment of the present church. As a result, I shun organized religion of all kinds. Jim Jones formed a church and we are fortunate today we all haven’t made that mistake!
I profess spirituality, taking the best of scripture and the message of Jesus; to love one another as I would love myself. In regards to the afterlife, I chose to see what is revealed. I am 82 later this year and I won’t have long to find out! I’m choosing to keep an open mind on that subject and ensuring that when I pass, I will have been a credit to family and friends!
Hello Ken,
I’ve just stumbled across your post and just wanted to let you know you’re on the right track.
Warm regards,
J’ai besoin de travailler
I loved learning the truth of our past and to unravel wrong understanding.
I’m thankful that I have learned what comes next in our journey toward Spirit. I’m thankful that I have some experience that we are in a sort of matrix of intimate possibilities. That this limited 3 dimensional reality is only one step toward our spiritual journey. I’d hate to think we are stuck here eternally. Tho that is dependent on our own choices.
I hold on to the belief and feeling that we can evolve to the next step in human evolution.
Through our choices to connect with spirit we will develop stronger faith and love toward our Divinity and the next phase of the 4th dimension.
Earth is just a prison world with repeated incarnations until we wake up.
So many books, so much to read and learn, discussing potential answers to the most important questions ever posed by the human race. Wish I could relive my life and have more time to begin the journey of reading this amazing list of books in an attempt to answer the questions I have asked since a young child.
WOW is all I have to say I feel like I’m there in the times, your research is awesome adventurous,ty kind friend and knowledge is powerful
So Mesopotamian kings were so called sons of Biblical God? Biblical god was once a head of the oldest Sumerian society?
They were Messengers of Allah?
Ziousoudra était blanc désolé vous etes obsede par le noir